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In today’s highly turbulent and ever-changing environment, keeping a pace with the latest developments and surviving the cut throat competition have become the first priority.

Many firms across the globe have realized the necessity of employment counselling. One of the reasons is to create a quality workforce along with desired skills and competencies in order to utilize them to a maximum possible extent. In such a scenario, having a talented and extraordinary workforce is the first and foremost requirement.


Organizations can only rely on their human resources as a company’s success is attributed to the quality of manpower it has. Employment counselling is an attempt to determine individual’s interests, desires, aspirations and skills and competencies in various occupations and jobs.

Employment counselling by MARTHA7 is a process that helps individuals in learning how to deal with their interpersonal, decisional and emotional problems. The specially appointed counsellors help them to learn and encourage changing and moving in a direction where they can function properly.

How counseling helps

It is a well planned step-by-step process with an ultimate objective of achieving satisfaction and fulfillment from professional life. Other than this, the main objectives of the process also include bringing positive changes in the behaviors of employees making them independent problem solvers, bringing changes in their habits, helping them choose a more suitable career option. We assist them in dealing with their emotional instability and facilitating them to communicate more amicably with their team members.

MARTHA7 employability programs enhance skills in Communication, Interpersonal skills, Technical skills, Technological skills as well as personal management such as self care, honest, integrity etc.