Career Development

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Career Development

Career counselling focuses more on goal-setting and practical strategies than traditional counselling. A career counsellor will work with you to establish what it is you want from your working life, and how you can work towards it. They can also help you tackle other typical career issues, like figuring out a more manageable work-life balance, improving focus and drive, or resolving conflicts and tensions in the workplace.

In order to solve these surface-level issues, a professional career counsellor may delve deeper into the underlying psychological factors that cause them, so career counselling can ultimately be a profound way to learn more about yourself.

Issues that career counselling can address include:

  • Identifying what you want from your career
  • Lack of motivation or drive
  • Switching career
  • High-stress or pressurising environments
  • Streamlining your work so you can maintain a healthier balance between work and downtime
  • Managing workplace tensions and conflicts

At MARTHA7, we have a range of qualified, professional and experience counsellors who specialize in helping you get the most out of your career. Our career counsellors are active across North America, and many can work with you either face-to-face or virtually.